Wednesday, September 5, 2012


It is good to know what bias is because if you don't what it means then you will have a problem being a journalist. There are different types of bias like, advertising bias, corporate bias, mainstream bias, and sensationalism bias. Advertising bias is when stories are selected or to please advertisers. Corporate bias is when stories are selected or slanted to please corporate owners of media. Mainstream bias is when a tendency to report what everyone else is reporting, and to avoid stories that will offend anyone. Sensationalism bias is when bias in favor of the exceptional over the ordinary, giving the impression that rare events, such as airplane crashes, are more common than common events, such as automobile crashes. You should not use mainstream bias in your report because it will offend someone for not telling the truth.

Journalism with bias can sometimes be a good thing. If you are reporting your point of view about a specific topic or person, it is okay. But, if you are reporting news to the whole world and you have biased facts, then people would be offended by something that is not true and could ruin your reputation of being a journalist.

I will use my knowledge and the knowledge that I've learned, in my future class work by making sure that I don't offend anybody and always making sure that I reread my post before I post it. It's also important to this class because if you don't know what bias means then you might offend somebody with the words you say and post.

Journalistic Writing: Building the Skills, Honing the Craft, Robert M. Knight, pg, 36,42,164,185


  1. I like the first paragraph a lot- it's very informative. But it seems like you copied it, at least part of it, from Wikipedia. We both used the picture of the person looking for the New York Times. It's so funny!!

  2. Like Jasmine, I liked your first paragrph. It was very informative because you showed the different type of bias. Maybe you could have givin a little bit more details and examples.

  3. Good post. Wished the pictures could be better. But still, well written. Good Job.
